Moxo for Real Estate | Moxo
Workflow Builder

Transform real estate operations

Orchestrate stakeholder coordination, automate document-intensive workflows, and accelerate transactions at scale.

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Why Moxo

Orchestrating complex transactions, automating compliance documentation, and enabling seamless coordination between brokers, legal teams, and stakeholders across multiple portfolios.

Orchestrate complex transactions

Multi-party transactions

Streamline multi-stakeholder workflows, with intelligent alerts, automated document routing, approval tracking, and milestone management.

Stakeholder collaboration

Enable seamless collaboration between brokers, legal teams, and stakeholders with structured communication, and transparent transaction tracking.

Actionable intelligence

Leverage actionable insights and comprehensive reporting across your portfolio, enabling data-driven decisions and transparent stakeholder communications.

Compliance with confidence

Transform complex processes into automated workflows that ensure consistency, maintain compliance, and create audit-ready trails across your entire portfolio.

Secure client portals

Provision dedicated environments for your brokerage, where brokers, legal teams, and stakeholders can access documents, track progress, and collaborate in real-time.

"We do our entire onboarding process through flows. Moxo saves us a lot of time - not only with internal communication but also with how we're dealing with our clients."
Brandon Roberts, Owner at Signature Real Estate Group
Questions + answers
How does Moxo handle complex, multi-stakeholder transactions?
How does Moxo ensure compliance across large portfolios?
Can Moxo scale with our operations?
How does Moxo improve operational efficiency?